Install - installation procedure
On the gesture follower machine
copy the Quatuor folder on the hard disk
Install FTM version 2.3.6 (10/2008)
launch MaxMSP version 4.6.3
set the File Preferences to point to the following folders :
- Quatuor/Follower2008/
- Quatuor/quatuor-lib/
- Quatuor/quatuor-snd/
Check the DSP Status panel (FireFace 800, IOVector size 128, Signal Vector Size 128, overdrive on)
set the IP static address of this machine to
On the sound processing computer
- copy the Quatuor folder on the hard disk
- install Amplitube
- launch MaxMSP version 4.6.3
- set the File Preferences to point to the following folders : Quatuor/quatuor-lib/ Quatuor/quatuor-snd/
- Check the DSP Status panel (FireFace 800, IOVector size 1024, Signal Vector Size 256, overdrive on)
- set the IP static address of this machine to
- Check the IP connexion
- Check and calibrate the sensors
Initialization - before playing
On the sound processing computer
- Switch to Single CPU mode using the Processor panel
- Start MaxMsp 4.6.3
- Check the DSP Status
- Start the quatuor91 patch
- Test the mixer midi by opening the patcher mixer
- Turn DSP on
- ”Init” using the event menu
- Load the 3 presets in the Amplitube vst plug-in located in the distorsion subpatcher
On the gesture follower computer
- Start MaxMsp 4.6.3
- Check the DSP Status
- Start the patch SDG03.20
- In patcher “record” toggle on OSC
- Check the UDP connexion between the 2 computers
- Turn DSP on
Hardware setup - sensor calibration
Check the reception of the Xbee Wireless transmitters
Ask the musicians to set up the tensions of their bows, then carefully adjust the pressure sensors using a small screwdriver
StreicherKreis augmented bows
Xbee receivers
Spécification des presets amplitube utilisés
Amplitube Signal Chain
Le paramètre “chain” contrôle les connexions des modules.
Ce paramètre est à 0, (ce qui correspond au preset 1)
Les modules utilisés sont donc :
- StompA et B (toujours vides)
- AmpA
- CabA
- RackA
- RackB (toujours vide)
3presets différents sont utilisés :
fbq-sectionA : pour les sections A F H I J
sectionBnew : sections B et C
sectionE1-Bass : section E
cf AmplitubePresets.xls