Henry COWELL, New Musical Resources, New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1930. Édition de David Nicholls, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1969.
Henry COWELL, American Composers on American Music – A Symposium, Stanford, CA, Stanford University Press, 1933. Réédition, New York, Frederick Ungar, 1961.
Henry et Sydney COWELL, Charles Ives and His Music, New York, Oxford University Press, 1955.
Henry COWELL, « Toward Neo-Primitivism », in Modern Music, 10 (1933), p. 149-153.
Michael HICKS, « The Imprisonment of Henry Cowell », in Journal of the American Musicological Society, IV/1 (1991), p. 93-119.
Michael HICKS, Henry Cowell, Bohemian, Urbana / Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2002.
Rita MEAD, Henry Cowell’s New Music, 1925-1936: The Society, the Music Editions, and the Recordings, Ann Arbor, UMI Research Press, 1981.
David NICHOLLS (dir.), The Whole World of Music, A Henry Cowell Symposium, Amsterdam, Harwood Academic Publishers, 1997.
Carol J. OJA et H. Wiley HITCHCOCK (dir.), Henry Cowell’s Musical Worlds: A Program Book for the Henry Cowell Centennial Festival, Brooklyn, NY, Institute of Studies in American Music, 1997.
Joel SACHS, Henry Cowell, A Man Made of Music, Oxford / New York, Oxford University Press, 2012.
American Piano Concertos: Henry Cowell, Stefan Litwin (piano), Orchestre symphonique de la Radio de Sarrebruck, Michael Stern (direction), Col Legno,WWE 1CD 200064.
Henry Cowell: Mosaic, Musicians Accords, The Colorado Quartet, Mode 72/73.
Henry Cowell: Piano Music, Henry Cowell (piano), Smithsonian Folkways, SF40801.
Songs of Henry Cowell, Mary Ann Hart (mezzo-soprano), Robert Osborne (baryton-basse), Jeanne Golan (piano), Sheryl Henze (flûte), Les Scott (clarinette), Maureen Hynes (violoncelle), Albany Records, TROY 240.
*Ongaku *; *Symphony n° 11 *; Thesis, The Louisville Orchestra, Jorge Merster et Robert S. Whitney (direction), First Edition Music, FECD-0003.
A Continuum Portrait: Henry Cowell. Vol 1. *Quartet for Flute, Oboe, Cello and Harpsichord *; Suite for Violin and Piano ; *Songs and Piano Pieces *; Polyphonica ; Irish Suite, Continuum, Cheryl Seltzer et Joel Sachs (direction), Naxos, 8.559192.
*A Continuum Portrait: Henry Cowell. Vol 2. Homage to Iran *; *Piano Pieces *; Set of Five ; Six Casual *Developments *; Two Songs, Continuum, Cheryl Seltzer et Joel Sachs (direction), Naxos, 8.559193.
*Persian Set *; *Hymn and Fuguing Tune for String Orchestra *; *American Melting Pot *; Air for Solo *Violon and String Orchestra *; *Old American Country Set *; Adagio from Ensemble for String Orchestra, The Manhattan Chamber Orchestra, Koch International Classics, 3-7220-2H1.