Max7 (Mac) version
open LaTeteDOrphee_2018_Max7_4ch.maxpat
Direct to disk version
To play this piece, you can also read the four mono audiofiles in any sofware that can play multi-channel soundfile, such as Ableton Live, ProTools, etc.
Soundfiles are (sampling rate is 48kHz) :
- “La-tete-dorphee-II-1.aif” as channel 1 front left.
- “La-tete-dorphee-II-2.aif” as channel 1 front right.
- “La-tete-dorphee-II-3.aif” as channel 1 rear left.
- “La-tete-dorphee-II-4.aif” as channel 1 rear right.
For rehearsal purposes, a stereo version is also available : “LaTeteDOrphee_2018_Max7_2ch.maxpat”. where “La-tete-dorphee-II-stereo.aif” is used.
The soundfiles sampling rate is 48KHz